- Taste Olymp Awards, a Quality contest for foods and beverages
- Design Olymp Awards, Best Packaging Contest for foods and beverages
All branded (not bulk) food, beverages, and wines sold by retail stores are eligible to participate in the contests. The products to be evaluated must be in the appropriate condition for tasting and their distinctive information must be written out correctly and clearly on the label, i.e. they must be products ready to be sold to the consumer public.
Participation form
Click here to register your participation now!
Regulations of competition
Read the Regulations for the Taste competition (Click here)
Read the Regulations for the Packaging competition (Click here)
Send the samples
Ship your samples to the organizing company until Friday, 23rd May 2025
Please make all the Custom Payments by your Side
Courier or any other expenses relative to the transport are charged to the participant.